A Typical School Day at SWIS

School starts at 8.45am in your homeroom with a roll call and by listening to the daily notices.

The notices are important as they tell you about special events taking place and meetings about activities you can sign up for.

Each day you will be taught integrated studies usually through the inquiry model.

This is in your Homeroom with your Homeroom teacher, which means you get to know each other really well.

With your Homeroom teacher, you will study:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Health

Throughout the week your Homeroom class will also go to specialist classrooms with specialised teachers for Semi Specialisation Subjects (Semi-spec):

  • Science
  • Physical Education (P.E.)
  • Te Reo & Aotearoa NZ History studies
  • Technology subjects including Hard Materials, Digital Technology, Food Technology, Textiles
  • Arts subjects including Music, Visual Arts, Film, Drama, Philosophy

Other classes in your week include our Enrichment Programmes. You will choose from a range of sports, languages and other subjects that you are interested in or passionate about. These sessions run on Monday and Friday afternoons.

There are two breaks a day, with an interval break and a longer lunch break. Often sports practices or group meetings will take place during lunch.

At the end of the day, the students gather back in their homerooms.

School finishes at 3pm.

While most students go home at the end of the school day some stay after school for practice or travel to another venue for matches.

See our example timetable below: