Wellbeing, Health & Safety at SWIS


We support the wellbeing of our students in many ways by:

  • engaging students in a rich, purposeful curriculum connected to our vision, values and strategic priorities
  • providing opportunities for students to make decisions about their wellbeing and to be active in leading their learning in agentic ways
  • developing student’s voice, student agency and student leadership
  • encouraging physical activities for healthy kids
  • promoting healthy lifestyles
  • supporting high health needs students
  • developing a positive school culture
  • strengthening the relationships and connections between all members of the school community
  • developing personal skills (such as problem-solving, conflict resolution), and helping young people to build resilience in the face of life challenges
  • targeting specific problem areas such as the transition between schools, behavioural problems and bullying
  • using researched programmes that prevent and deal with bullying

​We also support the wellbeing of our school community.

​Our aim is to build and foster community and a sense of connectedness and belonging to our school community.

Safety guidelines

Students are not allowed to bring dangerous items to school e.g., matches, knives, razor blades, firecrackers, etc.

Valuables, especially toys or money, are also not permitted.

The school cannot be responsible for loss or damage to any property brought to school.

School Parking

We want to keep everyone safe when students are being dropped off to and picked up from school. Please ensure that you park considerately around the school, i.e. no double parking or parking on yellow lines.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not to be used by students during school hours. Mobile phones should be given to the class teacher for safekeeping at the beginning of the school day. They will be returned to students at the end of the day. Families can contact our office if a message needs to be passed on. Your child can also talk to their homeroom teacher or the office if they feel that they need to make a call.

Bicycles and Scooters

Students are encouraged to walk or ride to school. Helmets should be worn when riding a bicycle or a scooter. A bicycle stand is available by the library. Students will need their own padlock to lock their bicycles to the stand. Scooters can be stored beside your child’s class. Skateboards are not permitted within the school grounds.



Sunhats & Sunscreen

During Terms 1 and 4 all students are required to wear a sunhat that covers their forehead and neck when they are outside. Students are welcome to wear a hat from home; SWIS sunhats are also available from the Uniform Shop at a reasonable cost.

Please ensure your child/ren have a named sunhat in their bag. Sunscreen in their bag is a good idea too. Talk to them about keeping safe in the sun. The School will provide sunscreen for students. Students without a hat will be asked to play in the shade.

Medication at school

If your child requires medication while at school please see the office to complete a permission slip. All medication is held in the office.

Please discuss any life-threatening allergies with the office.

The Public Health Nurse

Nurses are available to visit the school to help with any pupil health problems.

Dental Check ups

The school provides dental checks at school once a year.

If you have concerns regarding your child’s dental care, you can make an appointment at the Selby Hub clinic on Adelaide Rd.

Please contact 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) or visit http://www.beehealthy.org.nz/ to discuss your concerns or make an appointment.

Head lice

From time to time, like all schools, we get head lice outbreaks.

When this happens we will put a reminder in the newsletter for everyone to please check your child’s hair for small white eggs or live lice.

Inspect your child’s clothes, particularly hats, shirts, scarves, and coats that have been worn during the past 48 hours, looking for lice and eggs.

See here for information on how to get rid of these nasty visitors.

South Wellington Intermediate School