Bring Your Own Device - BYOD

SWIS is a BYOD school and students are encouraged to bring devices to school to assist with their learning.  You can find out what BYOD means, here.

Opportunities will always be provided for those students who do not bring a device, with classrooms having supplies of Chromebooks for student use.

If you are considering purchasing a device for use at school then we recommend that you read the document published by Netsafe as they are helpful in ensuring that devices are as safe as possible.

What device should students have?

We recognise that students are only at SWIS for 2 years so parents should also take into account any requirements that secondary schools may have if buying a brand new device.

BYOD Devices for use at South Wellington Intermediate School should have:

  • A screen greater than 10”

  • Be WIFI capable (recommend WiFI N minimum)

  • A working battery with a rated 6-hour use

  • A keyboard (can be portable/Bluetooth)

  • Up to date operating system and antivirus software

  • Must be able to run Google Chrome

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like further information.